giovedì 11 febbraio 2010

a clockwork strawberry

you think you have time,
you have no time

8 commenti:

  1. thinking is good...
    thinking twuice is better!

    think that, guys! thnk that.

    good morning
    lord Mattew

  2. pensare è da stupidi..
    come suggeriva il gulliver del buon Alex (quello dell'arancia)

  3. Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
    You fritter and waste the hours in an off hand way
    Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
    Waiting for someone or something to show you the way
    Tired of liyng in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain

    You are youg and life is long and there is time to kill today
    And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
    No one told you when to run,you missed the starting gun

    And you run and you run to catch up with the sun, but it's
    And racing around to come up behind you again
    The sun is the same in the relative way,but you're older
    Shorter of breath and one day closer to death

    Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time
    plans that either come to naught or half page of scribbled lines

    hanging on in quite desperation is the english way
    The time is gone the song is over,thought i'd something more
    to say

  4. bellino, mi ricorda... aaahh ora ho capito perché strawberry, eh eh. Io pensavo a strawberry fields forever e dicevo mah.
    Ma il programma del circolo di febbraio?
    Non c'è.

  5. ..per il programma del circolo rivolgersi da Enzo's garden..
    io lo capisco però, a volte aggiornare è un compito palloso

  6. Uffa!
    Sburk, non ho avuto un minuto per cambiarlo, ho solo fatto quello dei circensi. Ma non ricevi la mail del Circolo? Scrivi al Circolo, aggiungiti a noi!
    Grazie Matteo della comprensione.

  7. Ancora x Sburk: stasera PETTIGROSSO con Manuel Bruttomesso.
    Domani sera: DUILIO E LA SUA ORCHESTRA ballo liscio e PIZZA DI LUCA!



e le voci rompevano il silenzio e nelle pause si sentiva il mare